We think University EA Groups can be incredibly valuable. However, we know starting (or reviving) one can feel like a difficult task. The University Group Accelerator Program (UGAP) is a remote program run by the Centre for Effective Altruism to help make starting new EA university groups easy and accessible. We have supported over 200 organizers via the program and have had groups from every populated continent participate. We are excited to keep growing!

<aside> 🚨 We have combined CEA’s University Group Accelerator Program (UGAP) into OSP, so organizers of both new groups and existing university EA groups should apply to OSP.


<aside> ⏰ Wondering what you can do now? Check the FAQ!

<aside> 📖 We are also looking for additional experienced organizers to serve as mentors. You can find out more about and express interest in becoming a mentor here.


UGAP provides guidance and resources for running a new university group, including:

<aside> 💡 A sample game plan for your first semester

This game plan focuses on organizing your own introductory seminar program


<aside> ✏️ Trainings and tools for organizers and facilitators


<aside> 📖 A guide of helpful resources


<aside> 💰 Funding for group expenses and stipends for the main organizers


<aside> 🙂 Regular meetings with an experienced mentor


<aside> 🌴 [Potentially] A retreat after completing your first semester


Target Audience

The program is designed to work best for organizers who:

And are at groups that:

But we encourage anyone who is interested to apply! We have had a few successful instances of people starting a group without a co-organizer and encourage solo organizers to still apply (though we recommend looking for a co-organizer at the same time).