The Fieldbuilder Support Program (FSP) is a three-week mentorship program (though most organizers will likely receive semester-long mentorship) aimed at both new and existing AI Safety (AIS) university group organizers. It helps them prepare for the start of the semester and receive mentorship from more experienced organizers.

<aside> ⚠️ Applications for this round of FSP are now closed.


<aside> 📖 We’re also looking for mentors with organizing experience. You can learn more and apply to become a mentor here.


FSP provides guidance and resources for running an AIS university group, including:

<aside> 🙂 At least three meetings with an experienced mentor


<aside> ✏️ Access to training and tools for organizers and facilitators


<aside> 🏆 Working through a semester planning document


<aside> 📶 Opportunities to connect virtually with other organizers


<aside> 👀 Prioritized access to future programs


Target Audience

The program is designed to work best for organizers with a good general grasp of AI Safety and a significant interest in the field. They don’t need to be experts, but they must have a good enough grasp of fundamental concepts to explain them to others.

Additionally, in the case of organizers trying to start a new group from scratch (instead of continuing to run a group or trying to revive one), we require that there are at least two interested organizers, both willing to dedicate at least 5–7 hours a week to the group.

But we encourage anyone who is interested in applying! We have had a few successful instances of people running a group without a co-organizer, and encourage solo organizers to still apply (though we recommend looking for a co-organizer simultaneously).

Details on the application