Last updated: 4th October, 2023
💡 Sections
1. How our Career Planning Program works
- This is a 5-week program with 3 separate tracts that aims to guide participants through the 80,000 Hours career planning course.
- Weekly 1 hour long meetings with a small group and a facilitator.
- The program lasts for 5 weeks.
- There are 3 separate tracks that run simultaneously. If a person were to do each of the 3 tracks one-after-another it would take 15 weeks (3 x 5 weeks).
- The 1st session of the 5 weeks is group co-working to fill out the relevant workbook for that track.
- The 'homework' that participants do in between sessions is to investigate a cause area, longer-term path, or to complete an action step that is relevant to them.
- The remaining 4 out of 5 sessions are spent in group discussion. Each week, each participant delivers an informal 5-10 minute presentation on the cause area or long-term path that they have investigated.
2. How to run this program
a. Set-up
- Set up an application form. Here is an example from EA Virtual Program’s career planning program that you can copy.
- Advertise the program using your group's usual channels.
- Reach out individually to group members you think could benefit from the program.
b. Familiarise yourself with the workbooks
- In each track there is a separate workbook.